Types of facial skin. I’ll tell you which product is for you

Does your skin tend to be dry and cracked? Or is it oily, shiny and with imperfections? Or are you among the lucky ones who have a soft, supple and perfect facial skin? There are many types of facial skin, and each must be treated with specific products. Find out which ones are right for you and start taking care of your face.

Types of facial skin

To determine what your type of facial skin is, look at it closely. Pay attention to its colour, temperature, the appearance of pores and elasticity.
What do you see? Here are the possible types of skin that you might have.

Oily skin

Oily skin is the type that produces abundant sebum: it appears oily, dehydrated and shiny. The pores are visibly dilated and often accompanied by acne and blackheads (both black and white spots).
With this type of skin, it is essential to keep the face clean and apply natural products with purifying and moisturizing agents. Proceed with a natural exfoliant, then apply a moisturizing and emollient lotion. An excellent ally for oily skin is extra virgin olive oil, an ingredient with a high nutrient capacity, capable of maintaining the skin vital and youthful.
Read our in-depth analysis of the cosmetic properties of EVO oil>>

tipi di pelle del viso, cercare il prodotto migliore

Dry skin

Dry skin is instead opaque, chapped and dry. At the touch it feels rough and not very elastic, it is often associated with wrinkles and can make you look a few years older than your actual age.
How should you act in this case? The skin on your face needs to be deeply hydrated, in each layer. Therefore, prefer non-aggressive cosmetic treatments based on natural ingredients such as red wine, rich in natural antioxidants and with an effective anti-ageing effect.

Combination skin

This type of facial skin is characterized by a mix of two different conditions:

  • The T zone (forehead, nose and chin) is oily
  • The cheeks are normal or dry instead

Do not underestimate the cleansing of your face in this case as well: without adequate treatment, the risk is to further dry up the already dehydrated parts while adding oil to the T area. In the world of cosmetic products suitable for combination skin, the perfect natural ingredient for you is lemon: it tones up the face and makes the skin compact, it promotes cell regeneration and fights excessive sebum production.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is very easily irritated, in particular when it comes into contact with non-natural and aggressive cosmetics.
Is this your case? Then make sure you use products that are suitable for strengthening the skin barrier. Cosmetics based on natural ingredients, such as wine or olive oil, can give you the right amount of vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants.

Normal skin

Finally, there is normal skin, the one with no imperfections. Often this is the skin of a very young face and it is quite rare that it remains with the passing of time.
To have such superb skin you must try to keep it in its perfect state for as long as possible. To do this, choose moisturizing, nourishing and anti-ageing products. Wine, for example, can be a powerful ally because it has excellent antioxidant properties and deeply moisturizes the skin.
Discover the most effective wine therapy treatments.>>

Remember! Facial skin changes with time: it can be normal or oily when you are young, giving you dryness problems later in your life. Furthermore, atmospheric events, stress and particular conditions (eg infections, skin disorders) can change its appearance. Therefore, make sure you always choose the most suitable products for your skin type.